CBIC Instruction Circular No. 01/2024 –GST/583 dated 30.05.2024

The CGST Act mandates that after the issue of demand notice, recovery proceedings should be initiated by the proper officer if an assessee fails to pay the due amount within three months from the date of the order as it is so interpreted from the act.  In exceptional cases, to protect revenue interests, the proper officer may recover the dues in less than three months, for reasons to be recorded in writing. If the assessee does not pay within this period or within three months, the proper officer may proceed with recovery under Section 79(1) of the CGST Act.

CBIC had observed instances where some field formations initiated recovery before the three-month period without the necessary written justification. To ensure uniform implementation of the law, the Board clarified that, according to Circular No. 3/3/2017-GST dated July 5, 2017, the jurisdictional Deputy or Assistant Commissioner of Central Tax is responsible for recovery under Section 79 of the Act. For early recovery, the Deputy or Assistant Commissioner must place the matter before the jurisdictional Principal Commissioner/Commissioner of Central Tax with reasons. The Principal Commissioner/Commissioner must then record written reasons for requiring early payment and issue directions accordingly, considering the taxable person’s financial health and business status. These directions should not be issued mechanically but only when necessary to safeguard revenue interests due to specific circumstances based on credible evidence. This is in line with the board’s intention to balance the interests of revenue with the ease of doing business

W&B Comments: There have been various cases where the GST authorities have initiated recovery even before the completion of the three month period for filing of statutory appeal. The amount confirmed vide the order only become due and payable after demand is crystallised. Therefore, this circular will be helpful for the cases where the department has arbitrarily initiated recovery proceedings in pursuance of the demand order before giving statutory period of three months.

Dated: July 2, 2024

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